If you have forgotten to thaw the frozen blueberries and raspberries you're going to serve on top of the ice cream for dessert, and think a quick way to do this is to put the bags with berries outside, where it's still warm after yet another hot day, on top of the patio table - this is not a good idea.
Especially if the patio table is made of glass. And it's been outdoors in the heat all day.
Your berries will be thawed but you will have pieces of glass all over the patio when the glass surface on the table cracks from the major temperature difference.
Just a little recommendation...
Voila! One pricey dessert!
Oj, aj, det var egenupplevt. Ja då vet vi....hoppas ingen gjorde illa sig på glaset.
Thanks for sharing this valuable piece of information, otherwise I would probably have done the exact same thing. Oh, I forgot, there is no sun in this godforsaken country!!!
I thought there was sun in the middle of the night over there?
Ha, that's only what they say at the local tourist office. The reality is nine degrees and winds that leave you breathless.
I couple of summers ago I read in a Swedish newspaper about an American couple who wanted to sue their Norwegian cruise company when they realized 'The Midnight Sun' was the same old sun they had at home. They had thought there would be two suns in the sky over Norway.
Oh no! Thank you so much for sharing. I never knew.
Miranda - yes... ;-(
Fia - otroligt dumt - men nej, som tur är satt vi inne i kalla AC luften när bordskivan sprack...
Ing - I wish I had known... even though afterwards you kind of figure you should know it would happen... I'm so sorry the sun is keeping away!!
Lotta - haha - almost unbelievable...
Isle Dance - I didn't either... sigh....
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