According to research made by Reader's Digest, Swedes are the fourth most honest people (beaten only by Slovenia, Canada and South Korea).
At least honest in the sense that we would try to return found cell phones (placed by the magazine). Good to know that my chances are pretty high to get my cell phone back should I forget it in Stockholm.
However I'm still waiting for that phone that was stolen in 2002...
Picture from
Det är kul att vi Svenskar är så ärliga. Fast helt säker kan man ju aldrig vara på att få något tillbaka som du redan har erfarit även i Sverige. Undra vilka länder som hamnar på minst ärliga skalan.
Var precis inne och kollade dina Stockholmbilder. Jättefina! Du är väldigt duktig på att ta kort. Helt underbara bilder.
I have an answer for Desiree: Check out this chart, directly from Reader's Digest:
Interestingly, the people of Amsterdam seem to be as honest as those in Bucharest. Not what I expected...
Typical for Swedish newspapers, they didn't link the original source. Here's the original article:
Excuse Me, Is This Your Phone? - Courtesy calling (Reader's Digest 2007-07-23, fetched 2007-04-24)
Desiree - ja... sen undrar man ju ifs hur "vetenskaplig" undersökningen var. Men ändå lite kul. ;-) Tack för komplimang om bilderna - hann inte alls ta så mycket jag hade hoppats och har inte jobbat med dem alls ännu.
Fredrik - thanks for the link! Interesting!
Clacke - yes, it sure is - I often find myself trying to find the original story. Thanks for the link!!
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