Summer is the fire season in California. It takes almost nothing to start huge forest fires. They're quick, unpredictable and very, very dangerous. So far I haven't been close to one. A couple of years ago three huge fires were roaming around us, the fires in a safe distance, but the smoke pushing in over the city from all directions. We woke up thinking we lived on planet Mars, the sun only barely shining through the thick layers of smoke, transforming the world to a very orange place. The air was so bad we were recommended to stay indoors and turn off all ventilation. And so we did. Until the delta breeze came blowing, clearing up the air.
This is a picture of the sun at 4.20 pm, October 14, 2004.
Det kan nog bli en intensiv säsong i år eftersom det är så otroligt torrt. För några år sedan var det en stor skogsbrand i södra Oregon som gjorde att vi inte kunde se Mt Shasta under säkert en vecka.
Smoke inhalation from forest fires is a very serious thing. I would recommend you get some sort of oxygen tank or supply if you can find a way of buying it, for emergency situations.
Hoppas verkligen att ni slipper skogsbränder. Svårt att få till det med lagom regn. Kanske stackarna i småland och skåne skulle kunna skicka lite regn till Californien. Ja antigen verkar det vara för torrt eller så är det svåra översvämingar någonstanns.
I remember that. It was like London fog only pinker.
I do wish I knew what Anne-Marie said about Mt Shasta. (Yes I know I'm nosy!)
Anne-Marie - ja, det var inte mycket regn i våras jämfört med förra året... hua.
Matilda - it sure is! Good thing we seldom see fires close by here, so 2004 was really an exception. But then we sure wouldn't have minded some oxygen...
Desiree - ja, kan gärna skänka lite solsken i utbyte mot regn!
Miranda - it was scary! Anne-Marie wrote about a forest fire a couple of years ago in south Oregon, and Mt Shasta disappeared in the smoke. (how is your Swedish going? ;-)
Thanks Jacal. My Swedish has hit a problem! I see the words but don't know how to actually say them so I have got a little discouraged with it. Also when husband is not around (on business!) and my kids are busy, there is no one to show me how to translate it when its written like above.
I just realised what you/Anne-Marie said! Mt Shasta not visable...that's amazing as it's over 14,000 ft. (I think!)
Miranda: Yes, it was pretty bad here during that fire. The air was so filled with smoke that we could not even keep our windows open and it was hard to breathe.
och vi tänkte åka ner dit på semester i år. Får väl se hur man hanterar hettan, när jag tycker att våra +30 är varmt.
Miranda - just ask and I'll translate - can't have you left in the dark when the husband is gone and the kids are busy! ;-)
T&T - nu är ju CA stort och det finns ju en rad ställen som är betydligt svalare än här - längs med kusten kommer man undan med betydligt trevligare temperaturer!
Thanks! Hubby rolled his eyes when he got back and said "I showed you how to cut and paste it!"
Yes dear, but it takes more than once for it to go in my brain, I'm afraid!
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