Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My favorite podcast right now

If you see a blond, tall woman, walking irrationally and giggling in a store or on a sidewalk somewhere in Northern California, that is probably me. You might not see the white iPod headset under my long hair, but it's there and my head is filled with the silly thoughts from the "Spanarna".

Spanarna is a weekly Swedish radio show, going on 20 years, and it's talk radio when it's as funny as it can get. Not political and serious like most talk radio over here. Just interesting and funny.

Right now it's my favorite podcast on my iPod (all those years without Swedish radio!) and I take every chance to turn it on when outside the house and I'm on my own and don't have to behave as a responsible mother. Though I'm getting worried about my reputation... maybe I should limit listening to Spanarna when behind the typical American high wooden fences surrounding our house... or people might think I'm an.... hm... alien?

(Picture of the "spanare" from


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you might meet the short, dark haired woman walking around listening to Mika's Grace Kelly song while acidently singing and bouncing slightly as she walks to the school to get her young son!

Anonymous said...

_Måste_ ta tag i pod casts. Vilket betyder att jag måste ta kontrollen väer familjeiPoden...
Kan som LAssie.inlägg meddela att jag umgicks en del med Jessica Gedin när vi gick i gymnasiet och hon var lika cool då!

Annika said...

Jag vet inte hur man podcastar...Skulle vara underbart att ha lite svenska prat-program i iPoden som motvikt till alla musik medan man tar sin morgonprommis...
Ska kolla mer, kan ju inte vara dösvårt direkt...
SKA iallafall lyssna på Spanarna över datorn nästa ggn jag har projekt städning, typ imorrn...

JaCal said...

Miranda - haha! One giggling and once bouncing... the aliens in our neck of the wood! ;-)

Tintin - JA! Bums! Det är livskvalitetshöjande att kunna lyssna på svensk radio i bilen, när man handlar... Ja, Jessica Gedin är en av mina favoriter faktiskt.

Annika - vi får ha podcast instruktion !! Du kan ju inte bara missa detta! Snacka om power walks du kan ta! Det är inte så svårt alls (även om det faktiskt strular en del med just podcasts från