Actually I think the formal term is "constitutional monarchy". The King has no real power any longer. But he (and his kids: Crown princess Victoria, Princess Madeleine and Prince Carl Philip and his wife, Queen Silvia) feeds the Swedish tabloids with content.
I think he is kind of cute and has become a pretty good king with age. Not easy being king these days - what kind of job is that really (part from the tabloid-content-feeding aspect). Not really a job I would like to have.
Anyway, today, on Valborgsmässoafton/Walpurgis Night, April 30, is his birthday (he turned 61). He always celebrate it in the castle in downtown Stockholm (where he doesn't live any longer), waving to the people, and so he did today.
Happy Birthday Kungen!
Ja grattis till kungen. Tycker som du att han har blivit en bätte kung med åren. Det är nog helt klart inte lätt att vara kung.
Kanske "knugen" har blivit äldre o visare...?????
han som egentligen ville bli bonde...
Desiree - nä, inget jobb jag skulle vilja ha - skyltdocka.
Annika - ja, jag tycker han har blivit bättre med åren - annars har det väl kanske inte direkt varit "rätt man på rätt plats". Kan inte ha varit lätt att bli "tvungen" att ta ett sådant jobb. Har åkt flygplan samma flygplan en gång (till Helsingfors) - han är så kort!!
Yes, it was another night of adding to global warming with all the neo-'Vikings' burning defenseless tree branches as part of Walpurgis Night. Poor trees!
Speaking of His Royal Highness, I happen to like the king very much. He has become something of a father figure here in Sweden as he has grown older and his comments to Sweden in some of his latest speeches have brough consolation to many people suffering when he speaks of his own childhood. Even when he sometimes drives a little bit too fast, people can identify with him. He has an endearing personality. He is a normal human being who happens to be the King and a very good king he is.
Michael - haha - have never thought of that aspect of the bonfires... Well, don't worry about California - I did not add to the global warming over here (actually right now I could do with some global cooling...). Yes, the king really have matured with age, and from what I can read through the news he seems to say the right things these days. And I believe he is the same height as the Governator?;-)
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