Today I noticed that in our master bathroom, which has an pretty nice , but simple, oval bath tub, I have everything prepared for those soaking baths. Candle holders ready (yes, with tealights...), a magazine basket, soothing bath bubbles, special bath towels.
The only thing missing is - me!
I can't even remember the last time I took a bath here. Maybe I've done it 2-3 times since we moved into the house - that would count as once a year... I've lost my bath habits!
Probably because most of the year a hot bath is not really what you long for, however relaxing (a cold Swedish lake would come higher on the wish list) (or maybe it's the plain kid factor - at night all you long for is your nice, warm bed)...
Or maybe the fact that American standard bath tubs, for some unknown reason, are way to shallow (or is it once again the problem of huge Scandinavians??). It's so hard to soak when half of your body is still above water even when you've filled the tub so high that bathroom flooding is a serious threat. Maybe they're not made for taking a bath. Maybe they should be seen more like a standing foot bath?
I agree totally. This phenomenon has been bothering me for years. I'm thinking of using my bathtub, or should I say "foot bath" for something else because I never use it despite loving to take long baths. It's too small! Way, way too small and uncomfortable. It's more like a toddlers bathtub. And I'm not five years old. I think.
Säger som Matilda!!! Jag bor i radhus från 70-talet, badkaren är LÖJLIGT små. Fotbad är ett bra ord. OM jag hade ett stort kar då skulle jag bada ofta. A soaking tub...I would LOVE one of those!!!
Matilda - almost too small for a toddler even... foot bath is the right word! ;-)
Annika - ja, ett djupt... med lite jetstrålar... och bubbel... och en bastu till det...
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