I wish I could read in Spanish (the language she writes in)! Her books are like stories for grown-ups. I've read almost everything she's written (but the English translations) and last night I just finished the latest one, Zorro. I didn't think I would like it, I'm not really the "adventure guy" type of reader (even though I read a lot) - but just like her other books, it's a real story and I loved it.
And if you want to read books connected to the history of California "Zorro", as well as "Daughter of Fortune" and it's sequel "Portrait in Sepia" are good choices (even if part of them takes place in South America and Spain as well). The two later ones actually taking place in my "neck of the woods".
Now I have to get to Borders tomorrow... my nightstand is empty...
Guess what! I have never read a book of Allende, nor have I seen the movie "House of the Spirits". I will pick one up next time I go to the books store, because my night stand is empty as well...
Thanks for the suggestion!
The house of the spirits is one of my favorite books! I also read Allendes Zorro a few months ago and that was also good. She is a great story teller!!
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