Saturday, January 13, 2007

Why do they DO this!?

One thing I hate about American TV (besides the ridiculous amount of commercial breaks) is their "breaks". I.e suddenly, mid-season, there is an unexplained break of a series.

One of our favorite shows, House, had it's season premiere Tuesday. Only to return in THREE WEEKS? Don't you just hate that!

The networks sure counts on everyone's loyalty to come back and remember to tune in again.

Or maybe they know that no one is no longer watching live... We aren't .... we didn't watch Tuesday, we watched yesterday. We only watched recorded episodes and fast forward through the commercials.

Oh, well, we have to wait a couple of weeks to see our favorite M.D turn up on our recorder!

1 comment:

Annika said...

Verkigen HÖGST irriterande. Jag fattar det inte.
Likandant med en av min favvo-program, LOST. Dem slutade väl sända i november, för att sedan ta upp säsongen i mitten av feb igen. Klart dem förlorar tittare. Det här irriterar ju folk.
Ja, reklamen är JOBBIG...Tack och lov för TiVo.