So the Swedish astronaut is in the air (or rather - space) for a little 12-day visit to the Space Station before returning to US soil.
And now I wonder... will astronaut Fuglesang have to pass through immigration when he comes back to Florida? ("Welcome to the US, Mr Fuglesang, what countries did you visit prior to arriving in the US"). Is there a "Space Visa"?
Or maybe immigration does not just apply when you arrive from space...?
Herregud vad bra!!! Jag ska träffa en kompis (som också sysslar med immigration här i USA, precis som jag) och ställa denna fråga. Du har just gett oss ett gott skratt imorgon!! STORT tack!
Vill också passa på att tacka för en väldigt trevlig - och mkt läsvärd blog.
Hi hi hi " I come in peace" or " I won the Green Card" or " I ask for political asylum"
Good one! Funny. Maybe he ends up in the B-room where he will be asked "further questions"?
Now staying in Sweden can have its own perils for Mr Fuglesang: :)
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