Today, December 13, is the traditional Lucia day! I love Lucia! One of my favorite days of the year.
Lucia, the Queen of light, and her maidens come early in the morning, before dawn, bringing light into the darkness. Lucia is dressed in white with a crown of candles on her head, and she and her entourage sing traditional Lucia songs.
If you want to see the Lucia pageant that was sent this morning on national Swedish television, click here!
The IRL experience is best... but if you're an alien, you'll have to do with the cyber-Lucia!
TACK för länken, och tack för kommentaren på min blogg OM länken!
Japp, idag får vi svenskar sitta och drömma oss tillbaka till svunna Lucior i det gamla landet...Suck...
Ska absolut kolla SVT idag!
Förresten, jag gillar din "luciabild" snor den av dig ;-)
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