I choose standard shipping - 4-6 business days.
Two days ago, after 6 business days, I asked what was up with the order since I'm planing to go to my love-hate post office today to send out all our Christmas packages, including he photo gifts ordered from Picture People, and the status of the order still pending according to their website.
This morning, 8 days business days after ordering (!), and 36 hours after asking the question, I got an e-mail saying that my order was canceled since they had problem with their new partner.
Why it took them two weeks to realize this and only until I asked is a mystery.
And I don't care that they sincerely apologize and claim "that future orders will be processed in a timely matter" and that they hope that I "will give us another opportunity to serve you again".
Because honestly - that sucks! If they had had e-mailed/called during the time I was expecting the items, but when they only communicate with me after the gifts should have arrived and after I ask them what is up - that just very, very poor service.
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