Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year - new home :

Dear readers (if you're still out there), after a busy couple of months I had to take some time off my dear blog and focusing on other things. Now on Christmas break - I decided to take some time to make some long over due changes and upgrades. I spent some time today looking back at this fall and made a couple of reflections below.

I'm also moving my blog to it's own domain - a move I've been planning for over a year (or more come to think of it), but never really finding the time. 

From now on A Swedish Alien in California can be followed over at Links to here will still work - but if you want to update your blogroll lists - this is the new home. I hope to see you there (here) as I'm preparing for a new, great 2011!

I've connected a Twitter account to the blog too if you want to follow along there.


Annika said...

WOW, du skriver igen.
Trevligt. Trodde din tid som bloggare var över and out, men KUL att det inte är så!!
ROLIGT att få följa dig igen, JaCal!!!
God fortsättning på julen och kram!!!

Anna, Fair and True said...

Välkommen tillbaka! Ser att du har lite nya inlägg bakåt i tiden ocksåsom jag ska kolla in!

J | Swedish Alien said...

Annika - god jul själv - och kram! Det har varit så mycket det senaste halvåret - men nu har jag jullov och har ägnat lite tid att gå igenom alla mina rutiner och hitta tillbaka till det som är roligt. Får se om tiden hänger med när jullovet är över... ;-)

Anna - tack! Har saknat mitt lilla krypin!

Ms. Adventuress said...

I love your new blog and name! I did the same...changed my blog name and location, to create more focus. I've not linked my new site to my old ID, but you might be able to figure it out! :o)

Daisy Suites said...

Nice posts here, really looking forward to checking out your other posts whe I have got more time, I shall bookmark your blog now.