Thursday, December 30, 2010


Sometimes the lack of standards here makes me crazy... it sure would make life easier and less adventurous... In our house we have five closets with sliding doors. We have decided to exchange the doors on two closets to sliding doors to make them more accessible. When we started measuring it turns out that the five closet doors have tree different dimensions and when we came to Home Depot it turns out that neither of the dimensions we had can be fit with a sliding door - they have totally different dimensions... And that's just the width - if you add height things are even more complicated. Seems you have to decide what doors you want and then build the closet around them. For about 5 times the price of a "normal closet door" you can special order and it will take at least 6 weeks... that's IF the height is in the "range" of normal.

Oh, sometimes I miss 40, 60, 80 cm as standards...

Or maybe things are the same in Sweden when it comes to interior dimensions - after all I've only had a house in the US - never in the US....


AS said...

Ikea rules there. That is more standard. Though across the years it may seem the standard does not exist. But then .. do you not get bored with looking at the same doors .. time to change? These things do make the life worth living though, not that there is free time for this.

Anna, Fair and True said...

Vi ska byta ut luckorna i köket och jag kan meddela att vi har lite liknande problem. Så det är nog inte bara ett amerikanskt problem. Tyvärr.

J | Swedish Alien said...

AS - not sure IKEA rules at all here - but wouldn't that be nice! ;-) I find exchanging closet doors extremely boring and would rather it be an easy process, lol!

Anna - aha - ja, där ser man... man kan ju bli galen för mindre. Har fått för mig att det verkar lättare i Sverige med måtten än med alla ojämna mått här. Men det kanske är en fråga om snickeri-vilja/kunskap... ;-)