Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa came!

Swedish kids get a personal visit by Santa on Christmas Eve. And even though our kids were born here - the Santa still found them on Christmas Eve. Must be the Swedish parents...
It's Swedish tradition mixed with American since the kids do have their stockings too - and we wonder how long we can keep it going until the kids are totally confused and their peers think they are crazy when they claim that Santa came in person to deliver gifts...  one day ahead of everyone else. But for now we just let him come and ask the traditional question "Are there any nice kids here?" (and imagine - the answer is always "yes!!!").

It's too bad the Husband always miss Santa's arrival...


Anna, Fair and True said...

Ni får börja med Swedish Christmas och American Christmas. Två separata dagar och seder som råkar komma precis efter varann

Anna, Fair and True said...

Eller så säger ni att amerikanska barn brukar ju också träffa tomten och sitta i hans knä. Men ibland kommer tomten också på julafton för att träffa barnen.

JaCal said...

Anna - ja, vi funderar på det - två "julaftnar" - trevligt! ;-) Ja, konstaterade häromdagen att det kan vara en fördel att det bara är våra barn som träffar tomten - myten kommer hänga i längre. Min 6-åriga brorson var skeptisk i år efter mycket spekulationer mellan barnen i skolan.

Not Afraid to Use It said...

I know what you mean. Between Santa showing up at Lucia, going to my parents', our couch being in front of the fireplace (thereby block Santa's entrace) I don't think my kids quite knew what to think.