Last week I took the Daughter to the Dentist to seal her molars - an invention that wasn't invented when I was a kid and something that seems very smart to do. While waiting for things to get ready the Dentist asked my Daughter what her favorite food was. She answered "pizza", which kind of surprised me since we don't really eat it that often and I have never heard of it being a favorite and besides she usually only eat the bread... "Aha", said the Dentist, "you love your mom's home made pizza - isn't that the best when your mom makes you pizza?".
What did that come from? Did I miss a meeting - or is that something moms have to do - make home made pizza... My Daughter looked puzzled since she has hardly seen me in the kitchen (in this house the Husband is the chef) and then looked at the Dentist and said (my faithful, loyal daughter), "Yes".
Then the Dentist was going to explain the procedures. Very child friendly - only my Daughter was busy watching Madagascar 2 on the screen in the ceiling and was thinking about the toy chest where she would pick up a toy on her way out. She didn't really care about dental procedures. "I'm going to use this infrared light to harden the sealants", the Dentist told my Daughter. "It's the same light your mom uses when she goes to the nailsaloon and gets her nails fixed".
By now I started to feel really inadequate as a mom. Not only have I never made my Daughter homemade pizza, I have actually never been to a nail saloon nor have I brought my 6-year old Daughter. The Daughter looked puzzled at the Dentist and then nodded and kept watching the movie.
To the next Dentist appointment I'm sending the Husband.
Underbart roligt. Tur att du har en överseende dotter som döljer dina tillkortakommanden :-)
Anton, Stockholm
I'm thinking that the nail salon questions might be even more awkward for your husband ;)
Now that is funny. Just found you via your VVV post. Can't wait to read more.
the dentist is very machoman!!!
so funny...!!!
homemade pizza and nails...hahahaha!!!
next time maybe...
haircut´s and spas...hahahahaha!!!
a doubts.
Jaja, vilken tandis hon har då!!! Jag skulle bli klart irri!
K går numera till vår tandläkare. Gillade aldrig vår pediatric dentist...
Heller :-)
Vilken könsrollsfixerad tandläkare du har! Fast lite roligt var det ju ändå! Undra vad han skulle säga om din man gick istället!? "Det är som när din pappa lackerar om bilen" eller nåt liknande!
Men du, man skyddar alltså tänderna med något så man inte ska få hål och så tar man bort det efter några år? Elelr hur funkar det??
Ha, ha, ha, det var väldigt roligt! ;)
Hahaha, bara ännu en liten vink om vad som förväntas av en god mor och hustru. Det ska bli intressant att höra vad tandläkaren drar till med för exempel när maken är med istället :-)
Why should you feel inadequate as a mom? It's your dentist who's stuck in old gender roles and seems to think it's 1959 when it's 2009.
Anton - jo, hon är snäll... ;-)
Peter J - true - but hopefully it wouldn't even come up...
Not afraid to use it - thanks!
Carlos - well, it was a female dentist... ;-)
Annika - ja, det var lite bisarrt. Det var inte den ordinarie (henne gillar jag skarpt) - har aldrig träffat denna förut... ;-)
Anna - ja, konstiga kommentarer. Det var ju en kvinnlig tandläkare... kanske därav referensen till nackelackering... ;-) Ja, man förseglar kindtänderna för att undvika hål - det gör man så fort de kommit fram. Som jag förstår det tar man inte bort det - men man kollar det varje gång man är där.
TinTin - jo...
Ing - jupp. Måste skicka maken och få höra vad som händer.
Mattias - yes maybe - small talk gone wrong... Or maybe I live in suburbia with lots of house wifes who actually do have time for home made pizza and nail saloons. ;-)
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