Last week was the traditional week of TV series permeiers in the US. Every fall the networks launches new shows the same week - the week of the fall. Not all will survive - some disappear after the first week. I'm not a big TV watcher in this phase in life - but I like to have a TV-show or two to follow - if nothing else when I'm on my excercise bike (at least that's usually my plan... I usually end up not watching TV nor using my exercise bike... but hey, it's great for hanging clothes on!).
After reading up a bit I decided to check out Fast Forward, Modern Family och CougarTown. Fast Forward because it seemed like a interesting concept, Modern Family because maybe, maybe it's a new Arrested Development and Cougar Town because I wanted to check out Courtney Cox from one of my favorite series, Friends.
Of course I missed all of them. I have no time to keep track of days and times for TV-shows... In comes - a website where you can check out your favorite shows with only limited commercial (usually only a 30 second break now and then) - and I can watch it on my computer in bed, or on the big TV (since we have a computer hooked up to our TVs) when I like it.
We'll see if I keep watching. The Husband sort of liked Fast Forward (if it will increase it's speed a bit) and I liked Modern Family (sure can be a new Arrested Development, we'll see).
Here are the previews of the shows. Maybe some of them will make it to Sweden in a couple of weeks or so.
Cougartown tycker jag är BRA!!
Gillar CC så mkt!
Och sen handlar det ju om tjejer i min ålder, alltid lite roligt!
Jag vill också se Cougar Town! Kanske skaffar det på något sätt *host, host*
Annars är min favoriter Big Bang Theory och How I Met Your Mother.
Annika - ja, jag fortsätter nog med Cougartown - gillade att det var lite mer "real" och gillar CC också.
Anna - host host - gör du det! ;-) BigBangTheory brukar de visa på United när jag flyger och HIMYM har jag bara lyckats pricka in någon enstaka gång - men då gillat det.
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