HOW come Jon and Kate
Gosslin has become such major "celebrities" is really beyond me. Jon and Kate
Gosslin, for those in Sweden not familiar with these people, have eight kids, one set of twins and one set of sextuplets and have a reality show on TLC called "
Jon&Kate plus Eight". This spring they got
divorced - very sad considering they have EIGHT kids together. After the season premiere of their reality show this fall, they've been everywhere. I don't even watch the show but I still know way more about these two people's divorce than I want to know about.
Isn't there anyone who can stop both of them and help them - it breaks my heart to see two parents break apart and do so in public. I'm not on
anybody's side (even though it seems Mr Jon has gone a little too wild considering he is a dad with EIGHT kids...). I just want peace for the kids - and to listen about real news when I tuned in to the news channels...
Last week it was Kate who was on every talk show there is and this week Jon is out talking about how he "
despises Kate" on Good Morning America.
Enough already.
I don't watch those reality shows but it's my theory (based on the info I have) that if you open your life up to the public in such a dramatic and sensational way, you're marriage must be in trouble or it soon will be.
Why even have a show like this? Are we supposed to learn something about how a family like this operates, I guess I don't get the appeal of this show or the ones with all the housewives (not sure what that's even called). With so little time in the evenings, I guess I can't imagine spending it watching someone do stuff I do all the time (except x8).
I watched "the show" sometimes but I didn't find it interesting. Sorry too for the kids.
Jadu, den serien...K brukade äääälska den, och jag blev ju också indragen då. Kate är en verklig B---h. Det har varit pinsamt att se hur hon behandlat Jon och barnen från program ett.
Jon var frånvarande på många sätt...men...
Deras skilsmässa är så tröttsam, och man tycker så synd om barnen. OCH Kate tänker fortsätta med programmet!
Jag gissar att hon är livrädd att hamna i skymundan, att media ska glömma henne.
Men det är barnen som betalar priset! Och det är skyhögt.
Har du sett The Duggars då??? "18 kids and counting..."
DÄR kan man ju snacka sjukt också. Hörde att Michelle Duggar väntar barn nummer 19 nu.
Jojo, det gäller att MJÖLKA ur allt man kan!
Blir så trött.
I agree. It's too much. I know nothing of these people and the show, yet somehow I'm drawn to news headlines about them in morbid fascination wondering why I'm reading this. Crazy, sad and a waste of time.
Jon&Kate+8 visas på TV4+ (med viss fördröjning, antar jag). Har sett något enstaka avsnitt, och tycker faktiskt att föräldrarna verkar vara ganska osympatiska. Fattar inte hur man kan exponera barnen på de sätt som de gör.
Ally - I don't really know about these shows - it sure must screw up the whole family - especially the kids... sad sad.
Dosiss - it's sooo sad for the kids - it's horrible... when you have eight kids you better work hard together as a team.
Annika - jag vet alldeles för lite om den för att ens förstå vad som ligger bakom allt. Varför skaffar man 8 barn om man inte är ett bra team ihop undrar man ju... The Duggars tror jag att jag har sett någon gång hos en kompis - helt galet...
Peter - it's just crazy! Take them off the news headlines and let the family heal in peace! I went through my parents divorce when I was almost the age as the older kids and it's tramatauzing. It should NOT be seen on public TV!
Ull - aha - hade en idé om att det kanske gick där också. Ja, man kankse måste vara det för att utsätta sig och sin familj för något sådant...
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