In the middle of all November stress - I'm trying to get a new car seat for the son who is outgrowing his. And just as upset I was this summer when we got the minivan and there were not pictures of people in the cars - I am now when I'm trying to save some time and do all my research online. There are few, rare pictures of car seats with KIDS IN THEM! Isn't that the whole point.. ?
There are a few enthusiastic websites by regular parents who put up their own pictures of what ever car seat they have - but none of the car seats producers have pictures of kids in their car seats... One specific question I have is how narrow the side protection is - I really want my kids to be able to wear head phones - that way I can avoid having to listen to Dora a-l-l t-h-e t-i-m-e. See - very important question - and the only way to find out is to see an actual kid in the car seat.
This research is taking hours and hours - maybe I'll just give up and take the son to BabiesRus and bribe him with Goldfish and have him try them out. But somehow I have a feeling that is going to take hours and hours too...
Oh I remember the days when things like Goldfish used to work as a bribe. Sigh!
Britgirl - haha - so I should enjoy these times in other words! ;-) Well, soon you can bring out the goldfish again...
Vad knäppt att de inte har foton med barn i stolarna! Det är väl ingenting av dem som har barn själva tydligen.
Anna - ja, urkonstigt... kan inte förstå... är det en "liability" issue?? För varför har inte en enda av dem ett endaste litet barn??
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