Saturday, October 18, 2008

View from a boat

My Brother owns a archipelago boat and I spent Saturday afternoon on it with my nephew, docked in the middle of Stockholm with a great view. You can hardly find a better place to hang out on a rugged fall day...


Anonymous said...

wow, det var ingen dålig utsikt, kul att brodern din äger en skärgårdsbåt!

BritGirl said...

How beautiful and very useful to have a brother with such a nice boat! I wonder how much the big white one you can see out of the window costs?!!

JaCal said...

Veronika - nej, sämre utsikt kan man ha...

Britgirl - it sure is. Too bad I'm not there to really go on boat trips. The white one is not for sale, but is actually a hostel - and you can spend the night there.