Thursday, August 07, 2008

Paris Hilton or John McCain?

It's 3 months until the election of the new president in the US and the ads are starting to heat up. Each election here, for senators, or different proposition, is preceded by TV and radio ads on pros and cons. Political standpoints in 30 second soundbites.

Coming from a country where we up until a few years had no political ads (except the billboards and only a few weeks before the election) this was really interesting to encounter.

I've always been amazed of all this negative campaigning, wondering if these "the other guy is horrible, but I'm perfect"-ads really make a difference. But since they continue, they obviously do have some sort of effect.

Anyway, the last couple of days has been full of talks about the republican candidate McCains latest negative campaign, where he compares the democratic candidate Obama to a celebrity, with pictures of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.

The founders of the humor website decided to make a "response" to this ad and called up Paris Hilton and made a "Paris Hilton for president" ad.

There is nothing like a little American president election with a little humor in it...

Here is McCain's ad....

And here is Paris Hilton's ad...


Anne said...

Haha, det där var ju humor på hög nivå. Riktigt kul. Jag har ju hört om hela den här karusellen, läst om det men faktiskt inte sett nåt av reklameninslagen (jag får skylla på att det är sommar och mindre tv).
Jag antar att när sommaren är över och slutspurten, hösten med debatter osv. Ja, då lär det väl bli än mer smutsigare.

Anonymous said...

yet again Paris is using events to give herself another PR boost... she's a thinker alright

JaCal said...

Anne - ja, det kommer nog bli smutsigare... mycket smutsigare... hoppas det blir lite mer humor också.

Media boy - in this case it was the founders idea, but she jumped it - and yes - why not. ;-)

Anna, Fair and True said...

Paris for President! ;)

Pink House!

JaCal said...

Anna - haha - ja det vore något... ;-)