Every other minivan here has family bumper stickers, meaning cartoon figures of the members of their families - and their pets. And since we now own a minivan, maybe we should do bumper stickers too? If nothing else to distinguish the car among the many others in places where families (and minivans) gather.
There are tons of places where you can get these, and even custom made them to look "exactly" like your family. This is what we would look like as a cartoon family (I "made us" at
www.familystickers.com), the geek, the bookworm, the pricess wannabee, and the train addict.

The Husband refuses these on our new minivan, thinking they look silly. I don't think they necessarily look silly, but since everyone seem to have them, it's kind of boring.
I was wondering if you could find Swedish bumper stickers here - after all, that is what makes us unique and different. Google, google - aha - on CaféPress I found
1600 different Swedish bumper stickers...
What about this... a sticker in Runskrift (saying "A Viking's Joy" they claim)? Or maybe this Casablanca inspired sticker... after all Ingrid Bergman
was Swedish...? Or maybe we just stick to a little discrete Swedish flag...

*breaths a sigh of relief*
I was so worried that you guys had been corrupted and were going to give in to the family sticker thing. Whew! ;-D
Aside from our little "S", we aren't the bumper sticker kind of people.
Såna här familjestickers har jag sett! Jag tycker det är rätt gulligt, charmigt. Många stickers som folk har är ju, ähum, konstiga grejer... Men familjestickers är söta. Det är ju nästan så att man knappt hittar bilar som inte har nånting på sin bil. Flaggor har jag sett rätt ofta också, små flaggor. Landsflaggor alltså. Holland, tyska, norska och svenska flaggor har jag sett. Antagligen folk med den bakgrunden och rötterna.
Those runes say "Enuikiosw" or "Enuikiosp". Total gibberish if you ask me...
Ally - haha! No, no corruption here - family stickers won't show up. A little Swedish flag however might.
Anne - ja, en del får en nästa att hicka till. Jo, familje stickers kan vara rätt söta - fast jag är inte säker på att jag vill "annonsera" familjesammansättningen på bilen. Fniss! Ja, när jag började leta efter sticker fanns det som sagt 1640 stickers med koppling till pluttelandet Sverige. Kul!
Adastra - haha - well, that sure doesn't make sense... I just had a feeling it not legitimate... Won't put that on the car! ;-)
Anonymous - sorry - you're comment has been deleted - not relevance to the post and you don't even give your name and the purpose.
Anonymous - sorry - have deleted your comment. You're welcome to comment in a nicer tone and with more joy! ;-)
Small Sweden flag decal is my vote :~)
Jon - haha - yes, that's probably going to be it - if at all. We're really not bumper sticker people. But you have to check out "the market"... ;-)
In California, it seems that most all cars have multiple bumber stickers. Here in the Midwest, specifically Illinois, the majority of cars are without bumper stickers.
I don't care much for stickers on my car. Like lapel pins, they seem to compromise my privacy.
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