Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A safe city

Despite the stereotyped view of the US of being pretty dangerous, fueled by numerous TV series, we really happened to live in a very, very safe city.

During the week the Husband joined us in Sweden we had good friends staying in our empty house for a couple of days. Our neighbors knew we were away, but obviously some of them hadn't heard the part of friends staying in the house. So at 11 pm on a Sunday night, our friends, who had gone to sleep, got a knock on the door from the police. They wanted to check in and see what was up since a neighbor had made a call that there were unknown cars in the driveway... Not sure what thieves would leave their cars openly on the drive way, and obviously go to bed in the house they're robbing - but we were happily surprised to hear about this (there really must have been nothing else going on in the city that night).

And next time we have house sitters, we'll make sure to inform the neighbors properly, not to take up valuable time of the police department.


Saltistjejen said...

oj vilka uppmärksamma grannar. Måste kännas tryggt. Men lite scary ör era vänner. Det hade åtmintone jag tyckt om polisen rihgt på dörren... ;-)

Isle Dance said...

Too cute! And I'm officially jealous that you get to say you're a 30something!!! :o)

JaCal said...

Saltistjejen - ja, jo... det känns jättebra - undrar bara vilka det var. Och jo, vännerna var lite lätt stressade - speciellt den 18årige ordentlige sonen som var den som öppnade dörren.

Isle Dance - wasn't it! And HappyBirthday!!

Isle Dance said...

Awww...thank you!!!!!!! :o)