Speaking about music, the Husband and I have different taste in music, but one genre on which we can agree (and thus play when we're in the car together) is 80s music (even though he complains that all my songs on my 80s-playlist in my iPod is too "low beat", only 80-90 bpm and he wants them above 100 bpm, the old disc jockey that he is).
Anyway, the other day I started looking for an old WetWetWet song that I remember made me happy - and - thanks to YouTube (how great isn't life when you can find things you are looking for instantly!) - I found it. Angel Eyes! I remember I thought the singer was so cute...
And, since this song is now 21 years old (yikes! HOW can that be possible??) I was a bit curious what happened to the band (and to the singer...). Found out his name is Marti Pellow and like way too many in the showbiz business he went down into drug addiction... But the band reunited and actually released a new CD late last fall and and a new single just a few weeks ago. WetWetWet is actually from Scotland and they stated playing together in 1982...
Oj, hade glömt bort denna låten faktiskt. Men den får mig i ett mycket nostalgiskt humör...! :-)
Minns när "Love Actually" kom på bio och de spelade den gamla dängan "love is all around you". Var inte det just Wet wet wet som gjorde den?? Fast i filmen blev det såklart "Chrismas is all around you" så otroligt underbart framfört av Bill Nighy!!! :-D
JAg lyssnar faktiskt fortfarande på en hel del av mina favoritartister och låtar från just 80-talet. Jag var en hängiven Depeche Mode fan på den tiden och fortfarande spelar jag ofta mina favvolåter från t ex deras Black Celebration album som kom -86!
Saltistjejen - japp! Nostalgisk var ordet! Ja, det var WetWetWets låt som blev "julifierad" haha! Då kan du och maken lyssna tillsammans. Jag var inget stort Depeche fan - men det är helt ok - och det är ju 80-tal!
OOhh we love eighties music too. Even our teen girls now that they have grown up hearing it and now probably play it more than we do!
I have always liked WetWetWet especially that song of theirs that they used in the movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and it was in the charts week after week which ruined it slightly, but still...
Think it was called "Love is all Around" and it was sang as "Christmas is All Around" by someone else in another movie called "Love Actually."
Following me?!!!
Jag hade Angel Eyes som singel! Ja jisses...
Britgirl - yes - that's the one! Saltistjejen's comments above was the exact same - but in Swedish. Oh, have to see "Four weddings" again - it was awhile now! ;-)
Sweflo - ja... det är lääänge sen! ;-)
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