Or almost. I'm in a conference place somewhere outside Sigtuna. I didn't have time to pay much attention when I came here this morning since I had a taxi driver that was absolutely scary. He didn't know where we were going (but fortunately I had printed driving instructions), he didn't know what the price should be, he had to stop for gas (!!!) and had obviously been driving all night and almost got us both killed when failing to yield. The other car had good breaks and an attentive driver... and angels were watching over us. The other driver got very upset (understandably so) and got out of his car and threw open the door to the taxi and he and my taxi driver (also in some kind of shock) almost got into a fight. I calmed them both down and since we were not far from the conference place and we were in the middle of nowhere, we continued driving. The second I got out of the car I called the taxi company's switchboard and asked to talk to the manager in charge to take my driver off duty.
I'm used using taxis in Stockholm, the big city girl that I am, and I have rarely had any problems. But this was without a doubt the worst incident... I always make sure I take one of the major companies, usually Taxi Stockholm, but today I decided to use Taxi020. For the first time. And the last.
The flight? It was perfectly ok (despite being long and boring as always) - we were 30 minute early to Chicago and 30 minutes early to Stockholm, I had a 2-seat section to myself on the second flight and lots of movies I haven't seen.
I'm staying here until Tuesday afternoon when I'm going into downtown Stockholm. Not by Taxi020.
Usch, vilken otäck resa! Vad sa de i taxi-växeln?? Hoppas att du hittar en bättre taxiförare på vägen tillbaka in till stan.
Usch vilken läskig taxifärd. Tur att du klarade dig helskinnad. Du borde nog ta och anmäla föraren för sådär ska det inte gå till. Bra att flighten gick ok. Ha en fortsatt trevlig vistelse i Stockholm.
Ja fy sjutton så otäckt. Jag undrar också vad dom sa i växeln när du ringde och berättade.
Hoppas du får en bra resterande Sthlms vistelse nu!
Petra H - de tog det mycket allvarligt och bad mig också reklammera händelsen.
Desiree - ja... usch. Jag har anmält honom till taxiväxlen och skrivit till kundtjänst.
Annika - de tog det på stort allvar (lät det i alla fall som) - kanske borde jag ha ringt polisen på något sätt ... ja, nu hoppas jag allt blir bättre!
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