Monday, January 07, 2008

Swedish humor...

We spent a lot of our Christmas holidays catching up on Swedish television online. We saw all episodes of Grotesco, a new comedy program. While the Husband was on the floor laughing (his kind of humor) I stayed in my seat, but did laugh a bit.

The character Sven Hilding is my favorite... Swedish in essence... He is a Swedish diplomat, in this episode he is sent to Paris to present the Swedish views on... something...

Actually in "English" (and some "French" in the beginning)!


Miss Marie said...

haha, det där var ju lysande! jag har helt missat den serien, men måste se den nu! =) han påminner väl aldrig så lite om carld bildt? åtminstone uteseendemässigt! =)

Hanseric said...

I was watching Henrik Dursin alias Sven Hilding performing his show "Certified quality entertainment". It was extraordinary! He's really the new king of Swedish comedy, if only that.

JaCal said...

Marie - det var svägerskan som hittade på nätet och vi såg alla i ett svep (det blev kanske lite för mycket...). Speciell svensk humor. Maken låg på golvet och skrattade - men jag satt kvar i stolen - men kul att se - och alltid kul att se när det driver med hur vi är i "utlandet".

JaCal said...

Idépappan - he is really, really funny! Some of the sketches were brilliant. And it made you wonder what their writing-sessions are like... when they come up with the ideas... "a tunnel to Göteborg in the 70s"...

Anonymous said...


I write in english so more can understand. I like Grotesco though I missed to watch it when they showed it on svt , but there is always internet to find the funny parts. I will recommend 1 that was very funny.

"Ett kilo mjöl"

I hope you like it.

Anonymous said...

jag tycker itne grotesco är så jättekul om jags ak av ärlig men Bestefar-sketchen är ju nåt av de roliagste jag sett på TV på länge! Sök på youtube om du inte redan sett det

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