Friday, January 18, 2008

My first political rally

So I'm in Reno to learn more about the American political process. This afternoon I got the opportunity to visit a political rally - Hillary Clinton's. She held her rally at the Sierra hotel here in Reno, in a huge conference/convention hall. She was very, very late - we waited for almost 1,5 hours. But it was really interesting. I tried to take some pictures, even though the lightning was really bad. I never got really close, I just couldn't wait standing in the front so long. I walked around taking in the scene, so by the time she finally came on, I was to far in the back to really get good pictures.

There is no doubt Hillary Clinton sure is a experienced politician. She speaks in sound bites, knows what engages a crowd. It was really interesting to watch.

I put together a little slide show from the rally.

Tomorrow I'm going to attend two caucuses! Now THAT is really going to be interesting!


Isle Dance said...

Fantastic photos - so neat to see behind the scenes!

Petchie75 said...

Wow, vad intressant att du fått uppleva ett politiskt rally!! Och tack för inside-fotona!
Själv köpte jag Obamas Audacity of hope idag på Costco för att lära mig lite mer om honom... borde även läsa Hillary Clintons autobiografi som jag köpte för lääänge sedan. Men först ska jag läsa ut The United States of Europe - har du läst den? Mycket intressant, ett amerikanskt perspektiv på EU.. (jag kan förstå att den såldes för $3.99 på Borders, det är nog inte så många i PR som är intresserade av EU, ha ha)

JaCal said...

Isle Dance - thanks - even though I did a really, really poor job with the camera unfortunately... really lost my head and did it all wrong... ;-(

Petra H - ja, det var otroligt intressant. Tyvärr kom jag försent för att se Obama. Oj - det var ambitiös litteratur. Tycker man får sin beskärda del bara av att läsa tidningarna nu... ;-) Men det var verkligen intressant att se och jag fick helt klart en tydligare bild av hela processen.