I like sending Christmas cards. It used to be something I hated, it was just a long, boring administrative process, writing addresses, finding the latest address in a flimsy address book, writing the "sender" information, licking stamps. But now, with all electronic help you can get (I have "sender" labels and all recipients in a file so I can easily print address labels), so the boring part is pretty short. And the stamps here come as "stickers" - no more licking!
I had planned to write little personal notes on the Christmas cards (after all it is kind of nice to get a "real" letter in the mail box these days). But my helper (aka The Husband) had already efficiently closed the envelopes when they got to my "work station" (I was in charge for address labels, he for putting cards in envelopes). Oh, well. You can't have all.
This year we ended up sending 61 Christmas cards all over the world. I have no idea if that is a lot or way too many. I do know that we won't get 61 Christmas cards in our mailbox. So far we've received 3. But it doesn't really matter really - no one is keeping score. Really. Only a bit.
I think (know...) the urge to keep in tough gets stronger when you're an alien. You think about your friends and family in new ways. And you suddenly realize the pure joy of finding something in your mailbox from far away...
Håller med dig jag gillar också att skicka julkort. Det är så sällan numer man får ett riktig handskrivet kuvert adresserat till sig. Det känns så lyxigt och man blir så glad. Jag måste ner till posten idag och skaffa fler frimärken bara så att jag kan posta de sista korten.
Visst är det kul att få kort! Fast hm... *visslar och tittar i taket*, handskrivna kuvert får inga av oss... den tiden fanns inte riktigt.
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