During breakfast we turned on the (fake) open (gas) fire to get some instant heat to warm us up.
The sun is shining and will keep us warm during the day (day temperature will be in the low 20s), but when the nights are cold here, the house sure get chilly if you don't turn on the heat!
And when you're body is used to indoor temperatures around +25C and the temperature suddenly is +15C - I'm COLD!
When the night temperatures hit zero (C), I sure prefer a Swedish, wooden house with radiators below every window and triple glass in the windows...
yes, last night my lovely Swedish husband stole the comforter!
I'm freezing today, too. Blasting the heat, but Brrrr.
Veranda - haha! It was coooold! Where in California are you?
Isle Dance - I sure wouldn't mind a wood fire...
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