The house is quiet. The kids are asleep. The Husband is on the other side of the world. There are times like this you really feel like you're home alone. Alone with the responsibility. The grown-up. There are two sleeping individuals who really depend on me working things out. Sometimes a scary feeling.
Yesterday when taking them upstairs for bedtime routines, I almost fell when walking up the stairs. For a brief second I realized that that would NOT be a good idea. Even though my soon 4-year old probably would manage to call dad on the phone (she has called him on her own for over a year now), it would take him something like a day and a half to come back home.
So I didn't fall. That just isn't an option. Alien grass widows don't fall.
I know the feeling. My youngest son had another one of those "falsk krupp" things last week in the middle of the night. My husband was in Gothenburg and my son couldn't breathe properly and the two older ones were sound asleep. Hmmm, what to do? Luckily it wasn's as bad as last time, so we hung out in the cold air for a couple of hours and then he got better and we didn't have to go to the hospital.
Also, I really am fortunate having my mother-in -law only an hour or so away. She's good for a lot more than just riding lessons, that's for sure.
Sådär brukar jag också känna när jag är ensam hemma och Peter är i Europa på jobb. Vad gör man om det händer ngt? Vad some helst kan ju gå fel, och vad som helst kan hända. Jag tycker inte om att vara ensam. Dessutom är jag mörkrädd bara för att späda på det hela.
Jag får trösta mig med att jag har bra granner, och att Peters familj bara bor 20 minuter härifrån.
You are not alone in this realization. Take good care of you.
Hihi, ja, ibland känns det som att jag bara är en stor bluff - "vaddå jag?? vuxen?? när hände det?" liksom!
Som att man bara leker mamma-pappa-barn - men, så plötsligt slår det en, att det är en själv som är den som ska klara biffen om något händer, det är mig barnen ser upp till och litar på - hu... Stort ansvar!
Jag gillar inte att vara själv heller. Tur att du inte ramlade. Men visst kan det vara läskigt att börja tänka en massa tänk om... tankar. Sköt om dig nu Jacal.
Ing - ugh - that must have been so scary! I haven't had the "krupp" experience yet thank fully - good that the cold air could calm it down. Sometimes I wish we had better neighbors... neighbors like in the movies... But on our street everyone just keeps to themselves.
Annika - ja, skönt med bra grannar och familj nära. Jag är inte så jätte mörkrädd tack och lov, även om jag föredrar dagsljus. Men alltid skönt när man är på samma ställe igen...
Isle Dance - yeah, you tend to do things more careful that's for sure.
MrsW - haha - ja, det är så sant När man tittar sig omkring och undrar vem som ska reda ut det här då... ;-)
Desiree - ja, "om" ska man helst hålla borta från tankarna - även om de är bra att ha det där ibland så man har en bra plan - speciellt när man just är långt från familj och vänner.
Um excuse me, you DO have good neighbors!!!
Lol! I would run like hell all the way to your house if something happened to u and break down the door if I had to!(After all you gave me english magazines!)
You are not alone!
I am totally with you there. I have realized that my life has taken a completely new turn with husband away 3 days a week.
It is a massive feeling of responsibility and when I was alone for a couple of days when we were on holiday, I actually stood in the evening looking out over the sea and truly felt how far away he was.
You are doing a brilliant job, JaCal, but don't go falling down stairs!
i don't know what my daughter would do... When i fainted she just laughed and said I was really funny! But she know show to get the phone, but wouldn't know how to call anyone... We better work on that!
Britgirl - you know, that's really true! I'm glad to have you as a stalker actually. And imagine how fast you could get here if you even could drive! Lol! ;-) Have to teach the Daughter your phone number. She would be calling you all day long! ;-)
Mia - thank you! And dito! No falling! Yeah, it's that feeling of massive responsibility... When you turn around for the grown-up and realize - you're her! ;-)
Sweflo - I don't know what my daughter would do under stress. She has been able to dial the Husband's cellphone number for over a year on her own. But that is under "normal" circumstances and on our phone. But I'm going to start teaching her about 911. Must figure out a good way to do it though since she is really interested on calling people on the phone... Don't want to be charged with a false 911-call when I was in the shower...
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