According to a news story in a Swedish paper, Peru has sent bottles of the Peruvian drink Pisco to countries that helped out during the horrible and devastating earthquake a couple of weeks ago. The bottles ware marked Pisco 7.9. This has been considered very thoughtless since the city of Pisco was one of the city most struck by the 7.9 earthquake. One of these situations when someone forgot to think clearly...
But maybe the recipients won't remember receiving the bottles.
I have had Pisco once. The host had made welcome drinks based on Pisco. I had one (1) and three hours later the only thing I vaguely remember of those hours was dancing (thankfully not on top of a table) (I think) and then sitting on a balcony eating pizza (very unclear on how I got to the balcony and from were I got the pizza).
That was my first and last drink of Pisco. Unless there is something I really don't want to experience (like having to watch a golf tournament on TV or something), I will stay away from the stuff.
Note to self.
If Border's sells Pisco, don't let her buy any!!!
i'm swedish too, living in london and have a peruvian friend/flatmate. When he gets hold of real peruvian Pisco (usually if someone visits) we have Pisco Sour. I love it, everyone I know loves it, i don't see how you can't love it. Drinking pisco on its own is probably not the best, but neither is vodka or rum. However if mixed correctly it can be brilliant. I think you just drank it incorrectly.
OK...Ja, det låter ju onekligen intressant det där...
Jag har aldrig ens hört talas om Pisco, men det låter inte lockande att dricka. Alls.
Hm, har aldrig heller varit i kontakt med det låter ju som något jag skulle kunna tänka mig ta en redig klunk av innan jag går och sätter mig hos tandläkaren.
Britgirl - good note - do NOT serve me Pisco! Haha - that'll be the day when Borders sells Pisco-drinks.
Patrik - hej! Oh, I didn't mind the drink at all - it was very good (what I can remember - haha). The host was Venezuelan and sure knew how to blend South American drinks. It's the tiny problem of me getting completely, uncontrollably wasted after one drink... ;-)
Annika - det är som Patrik säger ovan helt ok att blanda drink på - men det är STARKT! Och tror man kanske lättare missar styrkan i alkoholhalten.
Fia - japp! Rekommenderas! Hihi!
Jag har också provat Pisco i Peru. Jag tyckte det var gott. Alla mina minnen är intakta. Men precis som Patrik säger brukar man mixa den som en Pisco sour. Jag minns också Inca-colan man kunde få där, deras motsvarighet till coca-cola men den var illgul i färgen.
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