Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy birthday, Arnold!

Our governor has turned 60. Must have been a low key event, it didn't make to many headlines and his own website didn't even mention it. Maybe he wanted it all to be a low key thing...

No reports of a wild party (actually he is said to have celebrated his birthday in the Bay Area with a political fundraiser...), but then we're in the middle of budget season (the budget process in this state is one, messy, long story...).

(Picture from Wikipedia).


Desiree said...

Då får man väl önska Arnold grattis på 60-års dagen. Han verkar ändå se rätt välbevarad ut för att vara 60.

Anonymous said...

So who's this guy again? Lol!

Anonymous said...

Congrats MR.Governator, have a good one./Termi

JaCal said...

Desiree - jo, han är nog i bra form!

Miranda - haha!

Anonymous - yep, happy birthday! ;-)