So now the major topics in the news, on the bus (well, that is if you would talk to other people on the bus, which hardly ever happens here, but IF), at work, at home - everywhere is:
a) where will you celebrate Midsummer and
b) what is the weather going to be like?
I will celebrate Midsummer here, on one of the 24 ooo islands in the archipelago. And unlike most other Swedes I don't really care about the weather. Oh sure, it would be GREAT it it was sun and clear skies and really warm. But the most important thing is that I'm going to be here on Friday, Midsummer Eve, - in Sweden - and not in California like the past couple of years.
I have a rain set and rain boots and I'll take my daughter dancing around the Midsummer Pole and pick flowers to put under our pillows come rain come shine!
Ha ha, it is sooo true! Last year in my invitation to our midsummer's eve party in Brussels, I made a reference to the weather -how many time haven't I ended up sitting outside in the rain and the cold, because it is TRADITION (to sit outside, regardless of the weather). Midsummer's eve should be in July instead, much more stable weather..
We are currently in Puerto Rico and will be celebrating midsummer's eve with Britta, a Swedish girl and her Puertorican husband - maybe we'll have a mojito instead of snaps!
It doesn't look good. I have checked the waether in Stockholm for the upcoming week. NOT good...
Midsummer in Snåland could be better weather-wise, but who the heck knows...???
No, you had your beautiful weather for the summer. So sorry that I missed it...But a heat wave might hit again. I can only hope.
I am arriving in Sto tomorrow!!
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