It's kind of nice to order a cold Italian Raspberry Soda at Border's Cafe after a walk in the +30C heat (my limit is +33C, if the temperature is above that, then I stay in the cool AC air...).
But sometimes you quietly wonder... is there something as too much ice...?
I always order a large. But I'm almost done after 4-5 sips (with the mandatory straw...). It seems a large Italian Raspberry Soda is probably 10% soda and 90% ice.
Next time I'll ask for one without ice. I wonder if I have to pay more...
Yeah, I always have this problem with my drinks here. TOO MUCH ICE!!
My kids often ask for soda's without ice in the restaurants and the staff don't always look all that pleased about it.
I don't mind a little but many drinks seem like the one in the picture...mostly full of ice!
Being an alien, I don't like to complain but maybe we should!!
You go first!!!
Italian raspberry soda sounds great! :)
Miranda - haha - ok! I'll go first!
Lolita - believe me - it is! ;-)
I always order my drink without ice as I think that it is way too cold with ice. My teeth hurt and they are already sensitive. I am sure that it is a way for the business people to save some money by putting these enormous amounts of ice in every drink.
Det är något vi också märkt. Amerikanerna har dille på mycket is. Du har helt rätt, det blir väldigt lite dryck och alldeles för mycket is.
I always order beverages with no ice, too! Yes, not only is it smart for the bank account, but it's healthier for the body to drink fluids closer to room temperature. You might notice slight confusion the first few times you smile and ask for no ice, but your comfort level soon neutralizes their confusion. :)
It can never be too much ice :)
Anne-Marie - I ordered on without ice today and it was way more soda!!
Desiree - japp - de älskar sin is. Inte mig emot - men det finns gränser...
IsleDance - you should have seen the face of the woman behind the counter today... "withOUT ice?". Haha!
Anne - oh, yes, it can... ;-) But I know you're in love with your new refrigerator. Haha! ;-)
No, the reason for the ice is so that you can use it later to put it in a cloth so you can wrap that cloth around your neck to be able to cool off and thus deal with effects of global warming. Yeah, that's it! ;)
By the way, I have told people here in Katrineholm, Sverige (Sverige = Sweden) about your blog on my blog. I say they should put it on their favoriter file on their browser. You have an excellent blog! Say "Hej" to the 'Governator' if you should ever see him.
Michael Flessas
(Who came from California to Sweden many years ago and has a blog called Katrineholm Review at [http://katrineholmreview.blogspot.com])
Hee!! Good for you!!
Michael - aha... I totally missed that part!! Will immediately bring a cloth next time to Borders. They won't think I'm strange at all - I've already asked for a soda without ice! Haha! I will say Hi to the Governator from you, no problem. How funny with an American Alien in Sweden! Have to check out your blog! Thanks for the compliments!
IsleDance - yes... and it lasted forever!
Ahhhh...! It truly is the little things in life that save us money and make us happy! :)
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