When I bake I can improvise somewhat, but for somethings you need to be fairly on the spot to get a good end result. Since I mostly use Swedish receipies (hm, this really sounds like I'm spending a lot of time in the kitchen and I really don't, ask the Husband..) I need Swedish tools.
When in Sweden last week I got a couple of extra "tool sets" (a green and a blue). These measurement cups seem to always disappear. And they are always gone when you face a situation where you have to know put in a "tesked" of some essential ingredient.
I'm not going to go into the silliness of cups and ounces and the greatness of deciliters or milliliters here (then I had to spend all Saturday evening blogging and the Husband wants to catch up on 24), that is a whole post on its own.

Not only do I have to worry about weird measurements, everything is different in other ways too, so I can't use Swedish recipes. Flour for example is much more dense so I'll have to use two thirds of the amount I usually would. It's too confusing!
You're right the deciliter (måtten) always dissapear. Always! I should stock up as well.
No, probably smart not to get in to the greatness of the Metric system. That would be a logn post :-)
I hope 24 was good!!
Hi! By pure luck i found your page googling about. Can I ask you some questions about california-sweden? My boyfriend currently lives in San Francisco (we are struggeling the migrationsverket to give him residency here but it takes on averege more that 10 months to process applications!) and I am probably going to spend large amount of time in California until he can come to sweden. Does one have to get married to be able to stay more than 3 months in USA? How does the cell-phones work, i've heard the european are no good? Is it devilishly hard to ber permisson to work in USA?
If you have time to answer, it would be lovely! Ha en bra dag!
/Alva, alva.gullstrand@gmail.com
I always ask my mom to send stuff like this in her "christmas package: every year... They just seem to vanish! COULD have something to do with the daugther steeling them :-)!
It is too bad that the US has not converted to the metric system. I have, despite 10 years here, not bothered to learn everything. I just think the deciliters etc are so much easier.
Matilda - same here actually... so you still have to improvise a lot, despite measuring right...
Annika -yes - such a simpel (and light)thing to have in your bag! Found them at Åhléns. No... the metric system has to wait... 24 is always good! ;-)
Alva - hi and welcome! 10 months, ugh, that's a long wait! Yes, you can only stay for 90 days if your part of the visa waiver program. I'm not the right person to answer the best way to go ahead with visa questions however - only that it is nearby impossible for you to get a EDA-card (permission to work). As of right now I would follow the rules rigorously. Most Swedish cell phones are tri-bands and will work in the US (900/1800 (Swedish frequencies) and 1900 (US frequency). A 3G phone will probably work (if it's a tri-band), but the 3G-services won't work. I can be reached at jacalica@gmai.com!
Sweflo - good thing - I always ask for saffron before Christmas.
Anne-Marie - yes, don't get me started... 8 years and we still are not sure how much an ounce is! ;-)
Bara ett litet, litet tillägg till ditt svar till Alva, hon kan under inga som helst omständigheter jobba då hon är här på visa waiver.
Självklart måste man ha en måttsats.
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