I remember those weekends with joy, the noise from the TV, (one of few times they were actually broadcasting something on either of the only two TV channels we had at the time) (feels like stone age now...).
I'm sure I could find a sports channel here if I looked hard enough (but we've actually deleted them all from our daily line up) that showed today's down hill world championship race (what ever it's called in English). But then the time difference would have meant I had to get up in the middle of the night.
So I settled on reading the Swedish newspapers online to see that our current big downhill skiing star Anja Pärson took a gold medal today too! And I love the fact that it's a woman that is causing headlines and a huge buzz these days! Way to go Anja!

(the front page of today's online edition of Dagens Nyheter - "Guld!" means of course "Gold!")
Jag blir ju helt nyfiken på var du bor mer exakt? det är i norra kalifornien och du har precis varit på IKEA, så jag gissar någonstans runt Sacramento. Fast jag kan inte minnas någon california republic-flagga där? Så då kanske du bor närmare SF, eller?
Så himla glad för Anjas skull! Vad duktig hon är! Heja Anja!
Annelie - ;-) Det kanske börjar brännas? Fast det vajar ifs California Republic flaggor på IKEA i Emeryville, East Palo Alto såväl som Sacramento. Bor du själv i krokarna?
Annika - ja visst är hon! Det är så häftigt med en kvinnlig slalom hjältinna!!
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