Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Snowy California

Unknown for me when I moved here was that I didn't have to give up making snow angels and sledging downhill (even though I wasn't going to miss it that much...)

There actually is snow in California.

Lots of it.

You just have to go to the right places. To the mountains. In a few hours you can go from sun to sun AND snow. That's what we did day before New Year's. To get a little dose of Christmas snow. After all, Bing Crosby sings about a White Christmas.

Now I've walked in more snow over Christmas than I would have had I been in Stockholm this year.


Berit said...

Where is it? Tahoe?

Annika said...

Hey Jacal!! I am baack! And it's so much for me to read on your blog, and on other blogs!
I am so happy that you have snow nearby. I did not see much of that in our beloved Stockholm!

JaCal said...

Berit - yes - this is a sno park off highway 50, about 30 minutes west of Lake Tahoe.

Annika - yup - det är perfekt - man kan njuta av den, bara åka upp när det är sol och slippa skrapa rutor eller skotta snö på uppfarten alla andra dagar... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Det ser alldeles underbart ut, som en perfekt norrländsk vårdag om man bortser från att snödjupet verkar litet skralt. Men vad gör det, man kan ju åka pulka ändå!