We're not really eating fast food (we actually eat pretty "Swedish", thanks the husband who is the chef in this house), despite what many of our friends in the "old country" seem to think about eating habits in the "new world".
When we eat fast food, we stick to the same thing.
Carl's Jr's Six Dollar Burger.
They call it the first "sit-down restaurant style burger at a quick-service restaurant".
I think pictures of hamburgers usually are grouse and disgusting, but I just have to include a picture of one. This is fast food you can actually eat and not feel completely.... hm... fat? unhealthy?
Carls' Jr started 1941 in Los Angeles and still is pretty focused to California...

(*HGTV = Home&Garden Television channel, programs about, "decorating, remodeling, home improvement and gardening ideas" - 24/7 )
Jag såg vad fint det såg ut på din hemsida!
Ni har varit så duktiga, och jag blir avis!!! Snacka om ordning och reda!
Mmmm...god hamburgare...Mums!!!
Nu blev jag också nyfiken. Har du en hemsida också? Är det nån intern och hemlig hemsida eller öppen för alla? Jag kan inte hitta nån adress till en hemsida på bloggen. Men anske jag missat nåt. Vore kul titta in på din hemsida....
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