Saturday, December 16, 2006

Compact parking for "big" cars...

Ok, so a Nissan Titan does not fit in a Californian compact parking space. But actually most other "normal" cars do.

When we got here we bought a Jeep Cherokee (that was my husband's decision, he always dreamed about cruising around in a Jeep in California).

Coming from Sweden, we thought a Jeep was a pretty big car.

Until we lost sight of it in the parking lot.

A Jeep Cherokee really is a small car. At least here. Put a Jeep Cherokee next to a Nissan Titan truck and you'll see. You really need to remember where you parked your car, because you won't see it when looking out over the other cars.

For years I avoided parking in empty compact parking spaces. I was sure our "big" car wouldn't fit... Until we realized that a Jeep Cherokee is pretty compact... at least in California.


Cissi said...

hihi ja du jag var förvånad över alla stoooooooooora bilar i Amerika när jag var där.

Anonymous said...

Min gravt amerikaniserade tre-åring tänker tvärtom. "Mamma, bilarna är så små i Sverige" konstaterade han förvånat under sommarens Sverigebesök...