Monday, November 06, 2006

They don't taste the same!?

I admit it. I'm addicted. Not only to online shopping. If I don't get my diet coke, I get grumpy. To my defense - I don't drink coffee or any other caffeine drink during the day - so this is my caffeine kick of the day. And no, this is not due to me living in the US, I was addicted way before I knew I would end up here.

When I was back in Sweden recently, I realized that DietCoke (the US name) and CocaColaLight (the Swedish name and the name in some other countries as well) really don't taste the same. You wouldn't think there would be much difference - but it really is. Weird. Diet Coke is much nicer than Coca-Cola Light.

And when I did a little googeling it turns out they're going to put a new taste on the market in January 2007. They will test it on the Swedish market, because Swedes are so trendy. Hm. And here I am stuck in ordinary California.

From the Swedish Coca-Cola website:

I mitten av januari börjar Coca-Cola sälja en ny version av Coca-Cola light med förbättrad smak. Att världslanseringen sker i Sverige är ett medvetet och strategiskt val. Under 90-talet blev Sverige känt som landet där unga, stilmedvetna människor testade nya jeansmärken, märken som idag ses över hela världen. Innan dess hade de första modellerna av mobiltelefoner börjat spridas innan de snabbt spreds vidare över hela världen. Mjukvarujättarna släppte de första versionerna av nya program och friluftstrenderna fick snabbt fotfäste innan Alperna ens hunnit lärt sig att stava till brädåkning. Sverige var helt enkelt det land i världen där unga, kunniga och kräsna konsumenter fick makten över att styra vad som sedan skulle bli nästa fluga och framgång på världsmarknaden.

(sorry English speakers, you have to take my word for it when I say that the above text in Swedish says Sweden is the place to be if you want to taste the new Diet Coke, oups, Coca-Cola light)

Diet Coke has it's very own website I also realized when I was googeling. Maybe they have a support forum for addicted users??


Annika said...

so, how about coke zero? I like that one. A lot!!!
Jojo, minns nog det där tugget om trendiga sverige...Och faktum är att man ibland kan känna sig som "kusinen från landet" när man kommer hem på bersök...OCH ibland känns det tvärtom också.

Anonymous said...

This is so strange. Since coming to Sweden, I have come to prefer Julmust (did I spell that right?) over Coca-cola. It tastes better. I wonder if they sell Julmust in the USA? Plus, I like the fact that you can go to the ICA and buy colas in that big red plastic container and the drinks are still in small glasses. So much more cilized than drinking from--usch--aluminum cans.

JaCal said...

Yes, julmust. I like julmust at Christmas and Easter, but never in between. You can get it at IKEA here, before Christmas. You can get big plastic containers of Cola here as well - not in PET bottles. I prefer bottles too, then I can decide how much I want.