Books and café in combination - it just can't be better!
Still have the tiny problem of not drinking coffee though....
I wasn't brave enough (or maybe just being cheep... not wanting to spend money on something I with pretty good probability wouldn't finish) to try out their version of Starbucks Christmas blends and wasn't really in the mood for tea.
So I had my summer time favorite - a (terribly sweet) Italian Raspberry Soda!
The rest of the people at the café were drinking warm coffee...
Don't you think it is amazing with stores like Borders and Barnes and noble...THAt you indeed can sit down and read a book or a magazine that you have no intention buying??? It is so GREAT!!! I love that!!! AND that you can eat and drink in the meantime.
No it soes not beat a real "fik" in Sthlm, but it is pretty damn good...
Well, maybe next time you'll buy your first chai latte!!!
Har gett upp det där med kaffe - när jag inte ens kan äta kaffeglass...
Däremot var vi på ett fik på söder förra julen och testade
Chai Kardemumma/Kanel - otroligt juligt...och gott.
Ett värmande alternativ till julmusten, kanske.
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